
一. 项目简介


1.项目名称: Deep Learning (AI) summer camp (附件1

Time: Three weeks (7.16.2018-8.3.2018)
Benefits: Intense three weeks course designed to introduce skills of Deep Learning; Opportunity to visit labs and work with current Ph.D. students; Top students in this workshop will directly be admitted by the master program at Electrical and Computer Engineering Department of the University of Florida.
Target students: The program is targeted to the students with engineering backgrounds who are interested in American education and scientific research, or having intention to apply for master or PhD’s degree in the United States.
Recruit number in total: 40
website: https://www.ece.ufl.edu/summer-2018-deep-learning-workshop

2. 项目名称:Mount Lemmon Infrared Observatory Summer Camp (附件2

Time: 7.17.2018-7.27.2018
Benefits: using the most advanced astronomy equipments; getting access to secrete data in astronomy area serving for future research; recommendation letter from Dr. Jian, Ge.
Target Students: Students with strong interest in Astronomy and science, and having intention to apply for a master degree in the U.S.
Recruit number in total: 30

3. 项目名称:Research Assistant position for distinguished lab at the College of Engineering (附件3

Time: 7 weeks (7.02.2018-8.17.2018)
Benefits: Work opportunity with our faculty and teams who match your research interests; Recommendation letter is guaranteed to help with your future graduate application; conduct high quality research
Target students: students with strong research skills, and having intention to apply for master or Ph.D degrees in the U.S.
Recruit numer in total: 26


  1. 我校全日制在读本科学生,对天文学和自然科学感兴趣的同学,有意愿申请美国的研究生,成绩优良,在校表现良好;
  2. 语言要求:有较强的英文阅读、书写能力及口头表达能力。




1.项目名称: Deep Learning (AI) summer camp

$ 4500 (约为¥29,446),包含项目费,报名费,住宿费,医疗保险费;费用不包含签证费,机票及日常开支,或$6000(约为¥39,261),包含项目费,报名费,住宿费,医疗保险费,往返国际航班费(北京/上海-奥兰多),往返巴士费(奥兰多-盖恩斯维尔); 费用不包含签证费日常开支。

2. 项目名称:Mount Lemmon Infrared Observatory Summer Camp

夏令营营费为 5000 美金。项目费用包括:注册费,课程费用,教材,天文仪器消耗费,住宿,三餐以及在天文台内的交通费用,以及在美保险费用。夏令营费用不包含,国际机票,签证及在美个人消费等费用。

3. 项目名称:Research Assistant position for distinguished lab at the College of Engineering

$9,000 (约为¥58,892),包含项目费,报名费,住宿费,医疗保险费;费用不包含签证费,机票及日常开支。本项目设有奖学金,至少20%的学生将得到1000刀的生活费补助(此费用基本可以cover所有的吃饭费用)。



单位 联系人 电话 Email
项目信息联系人 国际合作与交流部 邱琳 63603301 lynnqiu@ustc.edu.cn